The BYL Story
Thea Williams-Douglas, a successful broadcast journalist, believed deeply in the importance of mentoring young people. After her passing, her sister, Marcía Williams, established BYL to fulfill their shared vision of building young adults into strong leaders. Marcía, a seasoned communications professional, recognized the challenges young adults face in entering the workforce and how helping to develop soft skills could be a useful way to positively impact the community.
This inspired BYL’s mission: to bridge the communication gap and equip young adults with the skills needed for success. We believe every young person has the potential to be a hero in their own story.
Our Inspiration – Thea Williams-Douglas
Thea Williams-Douglas, a Central Texas broadcast journalist, earned an M.S. from Northwestern University’s Medill School of Journalism. As Executive Producer of Austin’s KVUE for 15 years, she dedicated herself to her children and mentoring, both at work and in the community. Thea passed away in 2010 after battling breast cancer, leaving behind a legacy of love, integrity, and faith.
Broadcast Your Love (BYL) is a 501(c) 3 nonprofit operating under the fiscal umbrella of the Austin Community Foundation.
Where we are going:
A graduate of the University of Texas at Austin, Marcía Williams is a seasoned and dedicated communications professional. Her passion for this field is matched only by her enthusiasm for developing the communication skills of young people from underserved communities.
Through her public relations career, Marcia has helped countless companies across industries develop their unique brand identities. She also volunteers her skills to increase engagement and build communities for corporations and non-profit organizations. From this strong foundation, Marcia has embraced the vision she shared with her sister Thea of creating a purpose based on integrity, loyalty, and faith.